Learn about stack, queue, dequeue, its implementation and running time.


  • Stack: a collection of objects that are inserted and removed according to the last-in, first-out (LIFO) principle. Stack


  • S.push(e): Add element e to the top of stack S.
  • S.pop(): Remove and return the top element from the stack S
  • S.top(): Return a reference to the top element of stack S, without removing it.
  • S.is_empty(): Return True if stack S does not contain any elements.
  • len(S): Return the number of elements in stack S.

Use list as stack in Python

Stack python

Time Complexity

  • Time complexity of array-based stack implementation
    • The bounds for push and pop are amortized due to similar bounds for the list class.
    • The space using is O(n), where n is the current number of elements in the stack.

Stack time


  • Queue: a collection of objects that are inserted and removed according to the first-in, first-out (FIFO) principle. Queue


  • Q.enqueue(e): Add element e to the back of queue Q.
  • Q.dequeue(): Remove and return the first element from the queue Q.
  • Q.first(): Return a reference to the first element of queue Q, without removing it.
  • Q.is_empty(): Return True if queue Q does not contain any elements.
  • len(Q): Return the number of elements in queue Q.

Queue in Python

  • Using list as queue in python is possible but not efficient because all of the other elements have to be shifted by one after inserts or pops
  • To implement queue, use ‘collections.deque’ which was designed to have fast appends and pops.
    from collectinos import deque
    queue = dequeue(["Eric", "John", "Michael"])
    queue.append("Terry") # Q.enequeue(e)
    queue.popleft() # Q.dequeue()
    queue[0] # Q.first()
    len(queue)==0 # Q.is_empty()
    len(queue) # len(Q)

Time Complexity

  • Time complexity of array-based queue implementation
    • The bounds for enqueue and dequeue are amortized due to the resizing of the array.
    • The space using is O(n), where n is the current number of elements in the queue.

Queue time

Double-Ended Queue

  • Double-Ended Queue (deque): a queue-like data structure that supports insertion and deletion at both the front and the back of the queue. Deque


  • D.add_first(e): Add element e to the front of deque D.
  • D.add_last(e): Add element e to the back of deque D.
  • D.delete_first(): Remove and return the first element from the deque D.
  • D.delete_last(): Remove and return the last element from the deque D.
  • D.first(): Return a reference to the first element of deque D, without removing it.
  • D.last(): Return a reference to the last element of deque D, without removing it.
  • D.is_empty(): Return True if deque D does not contain any elements.
  • len(D): Return the number of elements in deque D.

Deques in the Python Collections Module

Deque python

Time Complexity

  • ‘n’ is the number of elements currently in the container. ‘k’ is either the value of a parameter or the number of elements in the parameter. Deque time


Stack related quiz Game of Two Stacks in HackerRank

Answer code in Python 3


import sys

g = int(input().strip())
for a0 in range(g):
    n,m,x = input().strip().split(' ')
    n,m,x = [int(n),int(m),int(x)]
    a = list(map(int, input().strip().split(' ')))
    b = list(map(int, input().strip().split(' ')))
    # your code goes here
    sum = 0
    count = 0
    max_count =0
    tempA = []
    # Inverse 'a' and 'b' list to use as stack
    # Pop from stack A and sum until it exceeds the limit
    while len(a)!=0:
        if sum + a[-1] <= x:
            sum += a[-1]
            count += 1
            tempA.append(a.pop()) # Save pop-ed element from stack A
    max_count = count # Save current max_count
    # Pop from stack B and plus it with 'sum' 
    while len(b)!=0:
        sum += b.pop()
        count += 1
        # If 'sum' exceeds the limit, discard one from tempA
        while sum > x and len(tempA)!=0:
            sum -= tempA.pop()
            count -= 1
        if sum <= x and max_count < count:
            max_count = count
        elif sum > x:

    print (max_count)


  • Book: Cracking the coding interview [Link]
  • Book: Data structures and algorithms in python [Link]